New website launch offer: 10% off patterns with code LAUNCH10 New website launch offer: 10% off patterns with code LAUNCH10


City Style Four Projects by Quail Studio

City Style Four Projects by Quail Studio


BACK AND FRONT both alike

Using 3.75mm (US 5) needles cast on 1 st.

Next Row (RS): Kfb. 2sts.

Next Row: Purl.

Next Row: Kfb twice. 4sts.

Next Row: Purl.

Next Row: K1, M1, K to last 1 st, M1, K1. 6sts.

Next Row: Purl.

Rep last 2 rows to 126(138,150)sts.

Place a stitch marker at each end of last row.

Starting with a K row, work in st st until work measures 19(20,21)cm/7½(7¾,8¼)in, from stitch markers, ending with a WS row.

Shape shoulder

Next Row: K1, Sl 1, K1, psso, K to last 3sts, K2tog, K1. 124[136,148]sts.

Next Row: Purl.

Rep last 2 rows 4(5,5) times more. 116[126,138]sts.


Shape neck

Next Row (RS): K1, Sl 1, K1, psso, K35(39,44)sts, K2tog, K1, turn leave rem sts on stitch holder. 39[43,48]sts

Next Row (WS): Purl.

Next Row: K1, Sl 1, K1, psso, K to end. 38[42,47]sts.

Next Row: Purl.

Next Row: K1, Sl 1, K1, psso, K to last 3sts, K2tog, K1. 36[40,45]sts.

Next Row: Purl.

Rep last 4 rows 5(5,6) times more. 21[25,27]sts.

Cast off.


With RS facing slip next 34(36,38)sts onto a second stitch holder, rejoin yarn and continue as follows;

Next Row (RS): K1, K2tog, K to last 3sts, Sl 1, K1, psso, K1. 39[43,48]sts.

Next Row (WS): Purl.

Next Row: K1, K2tog, K to end. 38[42,47]sts.

Next Row: Purl.

Next Row: K1, K2tog, K to last 3sts, Sl 1, K1, psso, K1. 36[40,45]sts.

Next Row: Purl.

Rep last 4 rows 5(5,6) times more. 21[25,27]sts.

Cast off.




With RS facing and using 3.75mm (US 5) circular needles pick up and knit 118(128,138)sts down left front slope, pick up and knit 118(128,138)sts up right slope, pick up and knit 118(128,138)sts down back right slope, pick up and knit 118(128,138)sts up back left slope. 472[512,552]sts.

Next Row (WS): P1, K1 to end.

Rep last row 17 times more.

Cast off.